About this blog

This blog has been transferred here from pregnancy.org where it was originally my journal. The dates in the title are the dates that the post was initially written. Start from the first and work you way to the last.

At this time, I have not finished transferring it fully, but I hope to soon!

Original journal link:

Monday, June 23, 2008


I am such a disaster lately. I am blowing up at the slightest provocation (whether imagined or not). I don't even know myself right now. I hate this person. I can logically understand where this intense anger is coming from, but I still hate what it is doing to me. It is also all directed at one person and only one person: my poor Trey. I have had to apologize twice in the past two days for my behavior. This brings the grand total of times I have been a complete jack ass to him with him doing nothing to deserve it to about 3. I am normally pretty sane. He says that he understands and that there is nothing to apologize for. Where did this guy come from? I can do no wrong it seems. I decided to throw a cup of dog food last night because I got so angry. I don't remember throwing it, I just remember dog food all over the floor. He says that I didn't throw it at anything, just down on the ground. This scares the crud out of me. I am not violent. I don't even recall doing it. I need to find a better outlet for this anger that has so suddenly amassed. Normally I write here in my journal, but lately I have found myself censoring what I am writing for fear that people will judge me. This is in no way logical becuase I have never received anything but support. What is going on with me?

The closer it gets, the closer I get to losing my mind. I feel like I am waiting for the worst day of my life. That is an awful feeling. I am a complete disaster. I get on the computer when I get home to unwind. Trey jumps on the PS2/XBOX/Gamecube and we don't talk about it. Maybe that it what I need a big giant talking crying fest. He shies away a lot. He hates to see me cry.

I go to the peri tomorrow and I am always a wreck after that. Then Friday I go to the OB so he can check myu cervix. I don't know what I want him to tell me. Just when I think that I have everything all figured out I change my mind. I love Keiran more than I can ever express. I feel so horrible that I am dreading everything as much as I am. There is only a 10% chance that she'll live through her first year. I have hope, I just need to maintain some sort of level-headedness about it as well. I haven't written her off, I just don't want to be too excited. There are still so many things that can go wrong. One woman I talked to lost her T13 baby to seizures. I never even considered seizures! There are so many things u/s can't see. I just want to try and be ready. It is an impossible thing to do though.

So here I am am caught in this purgatory between hope and despair and feeling like a horrible mother/wife/person for being so lost and scared. Yes scared, that is it. That is the best word for it all. I am so scared

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