About this blog

This blog has been transferred here from pregnancy.org where it was originally my journal. The dates in the title are the dates that the post was initially written. Start from the first and work you way to the last.

At this time, I have not finished transferring it fully, but I hope to soon!

Original journal link:

Monday, June 23, 2008


It has been a while.

Keiran really freaked me out on Saturday and Sunday. I could not get her to move. I was poking, prodding and smooshing her, but she would not move for me. She has never been very active. The doctor told me that babies with chromosomal abnormalities tend to be less active in the womb. He told me that once he was caring for a woman during her fourth pregnancy and she knew something was wrong with her baby. She was of advanced maternal age and refused the amnio. She knew that something wasn't right though because he wasn't as active. Her little guy was born with Down Syndrome. I got her to kick me more last night though. I was so relieved. I am hoping that she has just flipped back around and is kicking the placenta.

I can't wait to meet this little girl. She got some presents for Christmas. My mom got her a nice little outfit to wear in the hospital (she outgrew the first one we bought ) and a sleeper. My great aunt sent two outfits and and a little toy, my sister bought her a soft little pink bear, and a friend at work got her a ladybug towel, toy and bath mit. I think that everyone was afraid that it would upset me. It didn't though. I love the fact that everyone has so much hope for her. It is so touching. They view her life to be just as importnant as I do. That is the best thing that I could ask for.

I recently cut and pasted all of the PMs that I have gotten regarding Keiran into a Word file. I had over 26 pages of PMs and she isn't even here yet! I just wanted to send out a to this community for the overwhelming support. This place has truly been a blessing for me.

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