About this blog

This blog has been transferred here from pregnancy.org where it was originally my journal. The dates in the title are the dates that the post was initially written. Start from the first and work you way to the last.

At this time, I have not finished transferring it fully, but I hope to soon!

Original journal link:

Monday, June 23, 2008


OK, so I am ready to talk.

I was a wreck going to get the version done on Friday. I told myself not to expect much, but I guess I was just kidding myself. My hopes were way up that they could get her to turn. They couldn't start the IV after trying twice, so they just shot me in the butt with some very nice drugs. Then they gave me another shot to relax my muscles, but it made my heart race and my BP go up. Like I needed something to get my BP up. So he tried twice and I just closed my eyes and tried to relax. Ha, that was a joke. I tried mostly to remember to breathe. They thought that they got her the first time, but she slipped out from his fingers. The second time hurt even more and I knew it wouldn't work. My mom told me that he was pushing so hard that his arms were shaking. I'm so glad that I closed my eyes.

They let me go after about an hour or so. They wanted to drugs to wear off. I was so disappointed. I just wanted this seemingly simple thing to go right. It couldn't though. Now he wants to deliver her breech. The good news is that we did find out that her head and abdomen are the same size and her little butt is in my pelvis which is the best possible position for breech birth. I have also spoken with many people that have given birth to breech babies. One little girl in my class was delivered breech. Her mom was telling me about it this morning. I still need to talk to my doctor about what is best for Keiran. I want to do right by her.

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